Community Based HIV Counseling and Testing (CBHT Project)

Community Based HIV Counseling and Testing (CBHT Project)

AFRIcai in collaboration with My Service Company conducted community engagement event in Kinondoni District, Mwananyamala Minanzini Street as part of Community Based HIV Counseling (CBHT Project) .

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AFRIcai in collaboration with My Service Company conducted community engagement event in Kinondoni District, Mwananyamala Minanzini Street as part of Community Based HIV Counseling (CBHT Project) . Key activities during this event included HIV Counseling and Testing, GBV screening, TB Screening and referral to other point of care was conducted especially to clients who tested HIV positive were referred to Care & Treatment Clinics for enrolment into ART Care. For those who were having symptoms of TB were referred to nearest Hospitals for further medical examination. During this event we also realized that most of GBV cases which were recorded were among   Adolescents and Young Women and the type of GBV they experience is Sexual Violence from their intimate partners and Psychological violence that leads to some of them dropping out of studies and became sex workers in brothels and Night Clubs. My Services Company who is AFRIcai key implementing Partner also sensitized on availability of Digital Condom Vending Machine which they have installed at a brothel near  Minanzini Street as part of their prevention program and distribution of condoms to those who are at high risk of getting HIV/AIDs.  To ensure that our services satisfy our beneficiary’s expectations, all our services are connected to toll free call center for follow up and continuation of our services.